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#About Zhongshan Perfect Jinying
As the first asset-light project in Zhongshan of CR MIX Lifestyle, this project has been treated as a new benchmark for local renovation businesses. FLAME turned the disadvantages of the original shopping malls into advantages, creating a variety of indoor commercial streets guided by light, integrating starlight, moonlight and natural skylight, connecting the original business in District A with the new business in District C.
#About Design
Through the reorganization of the original perfect Golden Eagle commercial complex, combined with the assessment of the current conditions, the A, B, C areas and the outdoor shops are closely linked with smooth moving lines to form a continuous commercial interface. At the same time, the intersection of indoor and outdoor circulation brings the commercial atmosphere of the back street and the inner square alive.

In the design of the people flow, adhering to the concept of maximizing protection and utilizing  the current situation of the structure, with the least adjustment and modification, all stores are well-balanced. That is to say, while increasing the commercial leasable area, it also ensures that each store has a reasonable size and commercial exhibition area.
EVENT | 18 AUGUST 2022
#Site Inspection
Conflicts between construction and design were found during site inspection. After sorting out and summarizing site problems, feedback was given to the construction party to ensure the normal progress of the project. After the project is completed, it will become a new benchmark for Zhongshan's renovation business.